Meat-Free and Vegan Friendly Kale Salad Recipe – A Tasty and Uncooked Way To Consume Your Greens

Meatless and vegan holiday recipes are probably the most yummiest dishes on the table during the holiday seasons and special events. In fact, consider how some of your favorite holiday dishes. It’s not fairly often that I hear people “raving” about how delicious the Turkey, (bless its soul) was. Instead, I usually hear things like, “wow – that mac & cheese was absolutely wonderful,” or “I have to get that potato salad recipe.” Who would’ve thought that all of the stars of holiday gatherings are usually side dishes and desserts and are also meat-free?

During the holiday’s, my mother would always cook Kale with Turkey Necks (I know…). As I become a vegetarian, I would always have to pass on the “greens” until my dad started making this meat-free and tasty vegetarian kale salad. This meatless recipe is also vegan friendly, which is always a plus, and it is really simple to make and absolutely delicious. Since this kale recipe is not cooked, you will be able to consume the many essential vitamins and nutrients that our green and leafy friends provide the body.

Kale Salad Recipe & Video


·1 Bunch of Clean Fresh Kale

Dressing Ingredients:

·1/4 cup of Tamari (you can use soy sauce or liquid aminos)

·1/2 cup of water

·3 tablespoons of olive oil

·Juice from a 1/2 lemon

·1 clove garlic

·1/2 cup of sunflower seeds (optional)


1. Chop the kale in to small pieces and place in a large bowl (if you have a bowl with a lid so that you can toss the kale salad later) and set aside.

2. In a blender, pour the Tamari, water, olive oil, lemon juice, and clove and blend for about 1 minute. Taste the dressing to make sure it is not too salty. If the dressing is too salty, then add some more water and blend for another 30 seconds.

3. Pour the dressing on the kale and sprinkle the sunflower seeds on the kale.

4. Toss the salad, cover, and place in the fridge and let it marinade for at least 4 hours.

The more time you allow the Kale to soak in the dressing, the better. I would highly recommend making this salad the night before you plan to eat it as this allows plenty of time for all of the flavors of the dressing to mesh together with the Kale (or your green of choice). Also, fellow vegetarians, let me know if you try this recipe with a different type of green (i.e. turnip or collard). I have just prepared this salad recipe with kale and would be interested to find out how the substitute of greens worked out to suit your needs and taste buds. I am sure it will be just as fulfilling…but of course, inquiring vegetarian minds want to know!

You can also spruce this salad up by adding some a variety of flavors and textures by simply sprinkling a handful of sunflower seed kernels on top of the salad and even adding some sliced cherry tomatoes. Enjoy!

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