The Negative Effects Of Eating Unhealthy Food For Kids

The most common problem among kids today is poor nutrition when it comes to food intake. Since we are now in a modern economy, foods are now processed with preservatives. Manufacturers do this to prolong the life of their products. Processed foods are high in sugar, fat and salt that often gives illnesses or certain diseases. The most common negative effects of eating unhealthy lunch among kids nowadays are obesity, liver diseases, diabetes, poor school performance, and heart problems.

Poor Performance In School

Most of the time, when a kid does not get all of the nutrients he need, he often show a slow performance in school. They have poor progress when it comes to examination, and they also get tired on school activities. Those who do not eat a balanced diet often lack focus and concentration. A nutritious meal is the best thing to consider if we want the kids to have a healthy mind and body.

Heart Diseases

Food that is high in sodium can lead to stroke, high-blood pressure and certain heart diseases. Many schools today prepare lunch foods like packed food mixes, ketchup, potato chips, canned foods, pizza meat, hot dogs, some tortilla, French fries, salad dressings, flavored rice, white bread, processed cheese, ham, luncheon meats, and other food that has preservatives.


Unhealthy food among kids also causes obesity. Processed foods are high in saturated fats and sugar. Some of the food that is high in fat includes French fries, fried chicken, processed cheese, hot dogs and pizza. Parents need to prepare packed lunch that is high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Since almost every one nowadays are extremely busy on their schedules, one can also order healthy plates from a lunch delivery restaurant just like Ogden lunch delivery.

Liver Disease

When we eat foods that are often processed, the body produces more insulin and it causes an elevated risk of having a fatty liver. The fat can be stored in the veins and the liver.


Corn syrup and fructose found in processed food can lead to diabetes. Many children today loves to eat sweet and processed ham or hotdogs.

Lack of Nutrients

Instead of giving the kids some processed foods for their lunch, require them to eat fruits, vegetables, fish, and plain rice. In addition, to their balanced diet, we need to make sure that they get a daily dose of vitamins and minerals from rich and healthy food.

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